Delta WASP 2040 Pro
*These machines are made to order, please allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery.
Delta Wasp 20 40 Pro
The Delta WASP 2040 PRO is a powerful, versatile and fast delta 3D printer. The machine is provided with a system of autocalibration and a rectified printing bed that grants the best performance time.
Key Features:
Delta Geometric System
Other FDM 3D printers work on the Cartesian System providing an x, y, and zed axis. The DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro uses the Delta Geometric System, which consists of 3 main arms connecting to the extruder, which move up and down independently. The position of the extruder is calculated by using trigonometric functions. This results in the printed product being more precise as inertia is inherently lower.
Suspended Cushioned Bowden System
The inertia surrounding the extruder can cause inaccuracy in 3D prints. WASP developed the Suspended Bowden System on the DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro to further disperse the inertia onto hanging elastic 'gantries', which have improved the printing the speed and quality.
Spitfire Red Extruder
The Spitfire Red Extruder comes standard on the DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro. Two different cartridges (offering low or high temperature extrusion) expand the capabilities of the extruder by providing 3 different nozzles (each meeting certain design/material specifications) to fit into the Extruder by a simple adjustment. Newly updated, the Spitfire Red Extruder can heat the nozzle up to 350°C for printing more complex materials. With the Spitfire you can print PLA, PETG, ABS, ASA, PVA, HIPS & Polypropylene.
Interchangeable Extruders, Nozzles & Tools
With the Spitfire Red Extruder (doubles the printing speed) you can use interchanging nozzles to achieve different results. Nozzles are heated for optimal extrusion of polymeric filaments or kept cold for semi-fluid materials. All extruders can easily be exchanged in one minute and can be done so mid-print.
LDM Clay Extruder Kit 3.0
WASP's New clay extruder Kit with an extruder, LDM WASP Extruder 3.0, for clay 3D printing and offers you the latest updated version. WASP Clay Kit 3.0 with a 3-litre tank, includes LDM WASP Extruder 3.0 fluid dense material extruder. The kit does not include the compressor. Any compressor with a pressure of at least 8 bar can be connected.
*When printing with dense materials on clay 3D printers, you will need to use an air compressor to get rid of all the air bubbles in the material tank, this is so the mixture can flow through the extruder smoothly without any breaks. You can use any EU specified air compressor with 3.5 - 5.5 bar pressure, which you can get online or at a hardware store.
Resurrection System
The DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro Line features the Wasp signature Resurrection System, which is an auto-save and back up feature created by WASP’s engineers, allowing you to stop 3D printing before completion and continue hours, days or weeks later from where you left off. The need to stop or interrupt print production and to get it back to it in the future at the same point where it was left inspired WASP to evolve the function of “stop and save” i.e. Resurrection.
WASP’s 3D Industrial Printers are suitable for both production and prototyping as they possess incredible speed. Evolving with the latest technology within many industries (mechanics, electronics, and engineering) gives WASP a unique advantage to create effective and efficient 3D prints.
Free Zed System
On the DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro is a recovery process useful for clay and prototyping which gives you the ability to start printing from anywhere within the 3D print’s instructions. It allows you to print a file on your DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro Line starting from a precise height of the model to be printed, as long as the height was previously selected. Essentially giving you the ability to print the one half of your design and then begin a new print of the second half, etc.
Accelerated Speed
The DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro possesses markedly increased speed and acceleration to comparable price machines in the market. With a print speed max of 500 mm/s, a maximum travel speed of 1000 mm/s, and a maximum acceleration speed of 15.000 mm/s2, the DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro Line significantly reduces your print production time without compromising on precision, accuracy or quality.
Integrated End-Filament Sensor
The End-Filament Sensor is a built-in feature on the DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro, which senses when the end of the filament is near. This prevents pauses and increases time and speed during production.
User Friendly Interface
The DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro Line offers a new 32 bit industrial quality proprietary board for improved speed, an LCD Display, built-in Wi-Fi and SD Card compatibility. It is also compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. File extensions include: .stl, .gcode, .obj.
Enclosed Chamber
The printer bed on the DeltaWASP 20 40 Pro is enclosed within the chamber, providing thermal and acoustic insulation within a controlled environment. The heated chamber has an internal air filtration system and a de-humidifier compartment, making it safe for domestic environments.
12 Month Back to Base Warranty included (parts only).
Technical Specifications | Tech Specs
What's in the Box
- 1 x Red Spitfire Filament Extruder
- 1 x Spool holder
- 1 x 1kg spool of PLA
- Packaging for national/international shipping in wooden box (50 x 58 x 101 cm), weight 35kg
*Built to Order - Typically 4-6 weeks